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Top 25 Most Useful Keyboard Shortcuts

Top  25  Most  Useful  Keyboard  Shortcuts 

As  we  can  see  that  computer  have  become  a  very important  part  of  our  daily   life.  If  you use computer then you must  know  keyboard  shortcuts. Basically, keyboard shortcuts are combination of two or more keys that invoke a command in  software  or  an operating system. But  most of the users are not  familiar  with  these  shortcuts.

These shortcuts makes routine computer function easier and quicker. Using keyboard shortcuts can greatly increase your productivity, reduce repetitive strain, reduce time and help keep you focused.

Here  are  the  most  useful  keyboard  shortcuts:

Most useful shortcuts using Ctrl key:

1.  Ctrl + A :  to select everything in current folder, file or page.

2.  Ctrl + C  or  Ctrl + Insert key :  to copy selected items.

3.  Ctrl + X :  to cut (remove) selected items.

4.  Ctrl + V  or Shift + Insert:  to paste the copied or cut items.

5.  Ctrl + S : to save an open document or file.

6.  Ctrl + Z : to undo the last action performed.

7.  Ctrl + Y: to redo the undo action.

8.  Ctrl + P : to print the current  document text.

9.   Ctrl + F4 : it close the open window in the current window.

10.   Ctrl + W: to close the current window.

11.   Ctrl + backspace : to delete a full word.

12.   Ctrl  + Left / Right arrow key: to move the text cursor one word                                                         back or foreword.

13.   Ctrl + Home / End:  moves cursor to the beginning / end of the                                          any  open  document , file or web page, etc. 

Most useful shortcut keys using Windows key :

14.  Windows key + A : to open the Action center.

15. Windows key+ E : to open File Explorer .

16.  Windows key + G : open game bar when game is running.

17. Windows key + M: to minimize all open windows.

Some other amazing shortcuts:

18.  Windows key + Ctrl + D : open a Virtual Desktop.
19.  Windows key + Ctrl +  Left / Right arrow key : to switch between                                                             virtual desktops.

20.  Windows key + Ctrl + F4: to close the virtual desktop.

21.  Alt + F4 : to open the shut down window .

22.  Page up key : to move at  the top of current the page.

23. Page down key : to move  at the bottom of the current page. 
24. Space bar: it moves the scroll bar at the bottom of the page while                          browsing the internet.

25. Shift+ Space bar:  to scroll up the page while browsing the internet.

Hope these shortcuts will be helpful for you.

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